Some students find themselves in Barbados for a short period of time after which they will be expected to return to a school in their country of origin. With the exception of one school offering the International Baccalaureate, Barbadian schools offer the Barbados National Curriculum.

Changing curriculum by starting from scratch in a different country can cause enormous problems in the short term. It often extends the time the foreign student will have to attend school. The sequence of the topics covered in the new country's curriculum may differ, as may the depth or breadth of the information involved. Particularly for students aged 14 through 18, there are several disadvantages which should be considered.

Lockerbie College recognises the need to provide tutoring for students on foreign curricula. To date the school has supported students completing online programmes from Canada, the U.S.A. and France. The support tutoring we have provided has allowed visiting students to achieve the course completions required for re-entry or the final scores necessary for university applications.

If you would like to discuss this option, please contact


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